Saturday, July 23, 2022

what is Research and it's Characteristics ? by Swami Sharan

• Research about what is the best method of teach?

• Research means searching for an already  searched information for some defined objective.

•It is defined as an organised and systematic study of materials and source in order to discover new thing and established fact and reach New conclusions.

•Aim- problem solving
•Based on purpose
•Gather new ideas
•Research involves collection of first hand source(primary data) aur existing data (secondary data).
• research activities are carefully outline through a Research design. These activities are defined by carefully designed procedures and analysis tools.
• research requires a degree of exparties and skill by the researcher.
• research should be objective and logical. The finding should be free from bias and the result should be carefully verified.
• scientific in nature
• patience activity
• social relevance
• cyclical
• reliability- finding should be consistent
• validity- finding should be accurate
• standardised process
• present to future

goods and services tax notes for one day examination by Swami Sharan

Full form of GST  Goods and services tax  भारत में जीएसटी कब लागू हुआ  1 जुलाई 2017 को  जम्मू और कश्मीर में जीएसटी की शुरुआत हुई  8 जुलाई 20...