Thursday, August 4, 2022

Approaches of research by Swami Sharan

Approaches of research
1 positivism research
2 post positivism research

Positivism research
•Reality can be understood through scientific query.
•Knowledge can be quantified
•since it is based on science knowledge can be verified from scientific observation
•it is quantitative in nature
•it is more objective in nature
•approach followed is deductive (general to specific)
•role of researcher is limited because his value judgement are ignored.

Post positivism research

•reality cannot be fully understood through scientific query because of sensory limitation of humans.
•knowledge cannot be qualified.
•it is qualitative in nature
•it is subjective in nature.
•approach followed is inductive. (Specific to general)
•role of researcher is unlimited because his value judgement are considered.

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