Friday, August 30, 2024

cost accounting notes for all one day examination by Swami sharan

Concept of cost and cost control 

Important point related to cost accounting 

ICWAI establishment 1944 
ICWAI act 1959 
Cost audit start 1965 
Cost audit section 148 


   The institute of cost accountants of India was first formed as a registered limited company in 1944 (14 June 1944) as per the provision of company act 1913 with the initial objective of promoting regulating and developing the profession of cost accountancy. 
    Post independent the institute got statutory regulation when the parliament of India enacted "the cost and work accountants act" (act number 23rd of 1959) special act on 28 may 1959 to Accord statutory recognition to ICAI (then ICWAI) as an autonomous professional institute with the objective of promoting regulating and developing the profession of cost and management accountancy. 


Cost: किसी भी purpose के लिए जो रिसोर्सेस use आते हैं उसको मुद्रा के रूप में convert करना 

Costing: cost को asertain (पता लगाना) करना 

Cost accounting: cost को एसर्टेन करना एवं उसकी कंट्रोल करना 

How cost accounting work 
Cost centre: organisation की subunit जहां पर हमारी कास्ट लगेगी 
   Location wise 
   Person wise 
   Equipment wise 

Cost unit : सबसे Narrowest possible level, जिसके लिए कास्ट को collect करतेहैं (selling unit for business) 
Eg: cost unit for paper industry - per rim
      Cost unit for water supply industries- per 1000 gallons 

Cost accounting में cost centre पर cost unit के अनुसार जो कास्ट लगती है उसको पता करना रिकॉर्ड करना --- reason------ cost को कंट्रोल कर सके। 

Cost accountancy- costing principal follow करना। 

Some important lines for MCQ questions 

The CIMA London defines a cost unit as a unit of product or services in relation to which costs are ascertain 

Cost audit section 148 as per Company Act 2013 

Cost accounting is a branch of accounting 

Costing is the technique of asertain cost 

Cost accounting is best on double accounting system 

Cost accounting are maintain compulsory for compliance to statutory obligation in certain specific manufacturing companies. 

The main purpose of cost accounting is to provide data to management for decision making. 

The cost and work accountant Act was passed in India in 1959

The head office of the institute of cost and work accounts of India is situated at Kolkata 

The techniques and process of asertaining cost is called costing 

Cost accounting concept include planning controlling and costing but not sharing

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