Friday, August 30, 2024

Indian Company Act 2013 note for one day examination by Swami Sharan

Indian Company Act 2013 
Company bill 2013 
Loksabha 18 December 2012 
Rajya sabha 8 August 2013 
President signature 29 August 2013

Company Act 2013 
7 schedules
29 chapters
470 sections 

Schedule l -forms of MOA & AOA
Schedule II -Depreciation
Schedule III -format of financial statement 
Schedule IV-  code of conduct of independent                          director 
Schedule V -  appointment of managerial                                  personal and managerial     B.                            remuneration 
Schedule VI-  meaning of infrastructure                                    facilities 
Schedule VII- activities included in CSR

Definition of company 
Section 2(20)
Company means a company incorporated under this act or under any provision company law. 

Some important point about company 

Name end with- limited or private limited except section 8 company. 

Owner of company- equity shareholders

Management of company- by board of director 

Who will level for work of company- company itself 

Features of company 

Incorporated association 

Separate legal entity 

Artificial person 

Limited liability- member liability limited company liability unlimited 

Separate property 

Perpetual succession 

Common seal - not mandatory; Company amendment Act 2015 
If no common seal then signature of two director 
 company secretary and one director 

Separate management-directors 

Capacity to sue and be sued

Limitation of action- not beyond article of association and management of association 

Winding up- voluntary liquidation and compulsory liquidation 
Example reconstruction amalgamation merger reorganisation 

Transferability of share 

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